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Articles by Ariane Fisher

About Ariane Fisher (1 Articles)
Ariane Fisher is the Creative Director at Storymix Media. She is Apple certified in Final Cut Pro and Motion Graphics, and also enjoys dabbling in 3D with Photoshop Extended, Motion and Sketchup. Storymix Media works with photographers and videographers to help tell their client's story. We offer unique products to help photo and video professionals turbocharge their marketing and make them money at the same time. Ariane can usually be found producing <a href="http://pro.storymixmedia.com/">wedding DVD slideshows</a>
Contact: Website

3D from 2D with Photoshop and Apple Motion


TipSquirrel.com is proud to welcome Ariane Fisher. Ariane is the Creative Director at Storymix Media. She is Apple certified in Final Cut Pro and Motion Graphics, and also enjoys dabbling in 3D with [More]