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Photoshop Updates June 2016


Adobe announced today, Tuesday 21st June 2016, a few major updates to Photoshop CC 2015. Its not the major all bells and whistles we’re waiting for but there’s still some goodies for us [More]

Create a Dancing Shadow in Photoshop


Here’s a nifty little tutorial for you. I’ll show you how to add a little extra to your photos with a quirky shadow that can represent the person photographed. I’ve used this a few [More]

Adobe Theatre at The Photography Show 2016


The Photography Show 2016 is just a week away and I’m super excited! Getting to spend time talking about Photoshop for four days! Plus, and equally important of course, I get to hang out with friend and fellow Nut Gavin Hoey while catching up with friends Rich Curtis and Dave Mallows (I’ve not seen Dave since last Photography Show!) [More]

Beauty in Decay – Repairing a Photo with Photoshop


It’s a funny thing about me; if I see a damaged picture, sometimes I just really, really want to fix it. It’s almost like my fingers start tingling for the Wacom pen so I can get started. It doesn’t happen every, single time, but when it does good things usually happen. So, I decided to take a little time and fix one of them… About 6 (working) hours later, I was done with the first one I picked. It wasn’t one of the worst, but it sort of spoke to me. [More]

The Photography Show 2015 – See You There!


With the Photography Show 2015 just one week away I'm proud to say I'll be there! I'm delighted to be working in the Adobe Theatre for the four days bot speaking about Hidden Gems and Creative Cloud Mobile Apps, Tools for Photographers. I'm definitely the 'new boy' of the group as I'll be joining Richard Curtis, Dave Mallows, Richard West and our old friend Gavin Hoey all of whom are seasoned conference speakers. So, if you fancy popping along and giving me some support it'd be very welcome! [More]

Photoshop for Photographers – Book Review


Photoshop is such a massive and versatile program that its amazing that a book would be needed aimed at a specific group of users. The truth is, the tools and filters in Photoshop are so vast and flexible that this is probably the only way to learn the software. What makes this book stand out against others in this genre is what it isn't. What this book isn't is a series of steps to achieve a certain outcome. There's a few in there, but what this book does is something I appreciate greatly, it tells the ready why you do something. [More]

Photoshop CC 2014 Missing Manual – Review


This manual is a massive 956 pages long and weighs in a 1.5kg, not a book you'll want to sit and read holding up, but its ok as a reference on your desk or for Missing Manualdropping onto the desk during an argument. The problem with books this size is keeping the beggers open at the right page while you reference it and work along. My non scientific tests reveal it'll sit open of its own accord from page 185 until page 770, then it just wants to keep closing itself and requires an object on its edge. There is a Kindle version, and I've had a previous version in electronic form and this works well and if you're used to this format. For me, it was OK, but having the book to thumb through and randomly read something that catches my eye is still the way forward. [More]

Photoshop 2014 – New Features and My Favourites


Today saw Adobe make an upgrade to it's Creative Cloud and with it some great new updates to Photoshop. In this video I take a look just a few of my favourites. There's loads more, there's a comprehensive list below the video. [More]

Book Review : The Digital Renaissance


If you’re an artist and a reader of this blog then the chances are you use Photoshop to create new pieces of art, if so then read on. If you rely more on the photographic image to start your image then sorry, this book might not be for you. There’s 12 tutorials in total each covering a different artist, their style and a tutorial in either Photoshop or Painter. The biography is small and succinct and the development of the style is enough to understand the original process. Then it’s into the tutorial. [More]

Get 25% Off Entry to Photoshop Live 2014


Photoshop Live is a brand new event dedicated to all things Photoshop. Taking place at The Brighton Dome (18-19 July), you'll be able to meet and hear from some incredible Photoshop artists. Dedicated to artists, designers and photographers of all levels, the programme has two tracks with Friday 18 July being tailored to artists and designers and Saturday 19 focusing on photography. There will also be the opportunity to get creative with the artists on Sunday 20 July with a Photowalk around Brighton. [More]

Taking the Photoshop Adobe Certified Expert Exam


I was recently asked about becoming an Adobe Certified Expert and what I think is the best study tools, so I thought I’d make it the subject of my post this week. I’m not going to lie to you, taking the exam was a nerve-racking experience. I’ve taken it a few times now and I can’t say it gets any easier, but I like doing it, and I certainly like getting the results (so far). [More]

A Look At Screenflow Screen Recording Software


In this video I take a departure from Photoshop and take a look at Screenflow. This screen recording software is more than meets the eye, it has all manner of bells and whistles, which is why it's become my recording, and editing choice for tutorials. [More]

Book Review – Mastering Photoshop Layers


As a reader of many Photoshop related books I’ve come to expect certain aspects to be contained within them. I want clear instructions, illustrated examples and information I haven’t found anywhere else. Mastering Photoshop layers ticks all the boxes. [More]
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